
[Reserved] Dragon Cave _ Kiyotake Kyoko drawing process.

Original Address: drawing process "> Dragon Cave <wbr> the process of drawing: the era of Mars Original Art Mingxuan address http://wwwhxsdcom/tutorial/pingmiansheji/20101202/32092_8html <wbr> drawing process" /> <wbr> About the author: .Study: Fan Ming / FM, in the conceptual design of the game scene, won Unearthly Challenge2009 concept of global competition in the two-dimensional game scene first prize, the work "Dragon Cave." .Blog: http://blogsinacomcn/fanming2008 <wbr> Introduction: be the first to write a more formal tutorial it, on the one hand the limited capacity of lazy on the one hand, that will not teach people drawing, tutorials, but also for the general public, for fear .not misled you write on the bad. .The invitation should be the era of Mars, recently came out just a little bit of time to reveal a face it, everyone's drawing method may be different to when the painting is the process of sharing your own bar. .<wbr> did not intend to do the tutorial at that time, but should match the process requirements need to be updated so there are some steps to retain, as a tutorial may not be standard, I try to order the more clearly, in some places we want to help it. .<wbr> painting is UnearthlyChallenge2009 the winning entries, the game is a game proposition required level design, which has some specifications. .The visuals can play for free, but only in line with rules of the game, that is not just a beautiful scene graph, but a concept set, so some of the issues to consider: for example, the rational distribution of space, objects can be .implementation of, the authenticity of the scene, proportion, line, including some dynamic elements, details and so on. .<wbr> short, one should always imagine a first person view into the scene, to observe from all angles, so that it can try to perfect one does not exist as far as possible the performance of the real world in order to achieve the purpose of the game scene. .(Figure 01) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 01 <wbr> ado, the following entry to the topic. <wbr> First composition. Good composition is half the battle, I think so. At that time played a .2 A draft of a look up look down, the composition is very strong feeling of depth, because I think that makes the screen more visual impact, the atmosphere seemed more certain scenes. chose to look down the back of this composition, because space will be more clearly expressed, .3 Perspective strong spiral of large pillars and the road opened under the ladder screen sense of space. composition but without losing the momentum of stable and orderly, a bit like a large screw or spring feeling. (Fig. 02) <wbr .> drawing process "/> Figure 02 <wbr> scenes are more meticulous composition and levels of space, rhythm, space, and use with, of course, the most basic perspective is necessary to express the mood of the scene an atmosphere of different composition will be different, such as .dynamic, and so calm, level too low will appear rather monotonous, too easy to trivial level, the rhythm is very important, probably far better in the recent deal with the relationship and to determine the visual center. .And the scene is best to design a sense of a story, should have a picture into a sense of order to his audience. .The second step in depth. .This is a long step process. .Composition probably settle down, have a basic concept, the latter is to continue to clarify. .In general, the whole basis of recent paintings from the far to first draw the background in the picture outlook, good grasp of a number of spatial relations. .Scene and the start is thinking about building in the sky, the background is the sky, they think it will be too sci-fi real enough, and later painted into a huge cave, and background environment to better deal with it. .<wbr> design is that the idea will become come and go, sometimes the screen need to bounce sometimes thought, I remember I started the idea was to draw as there are kinds of Chinese style, road and columns are those who want to come Chinese ancient castles in the air is also good .. .But to be sure, because the West has been doing recently-style things. .<wbr> overall depth, a clear relationship between the right channel is set to a background light source, and pull the right column contrast, makes better sense of space. .(Figure 03) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 03 <wbr> third step this step mainly entangled in the main part of the central part of the previous lack of a theme, and the game level design, the theme is often the most important. Because .conceptual design will need to do some unusual ideas, so in order to release the feeling, the start may be freely expressed, does not know the final results to the whole world is clear from the twilight. <wbr> way of painting that will be formed .directly on the color from the many, spread black and white levels, silhouette-shaped hands, etc., remember to draw most of the draft from the start line, the line to go light and dark color draft is in place and so on, pay attention to the answers, as to which approach may .has advantages and disadvantages, in short, to see how we can express the effect they want it. (Fig. 04) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 04 <wbr> fourth step to the overall depth, clearly some of the details in all aspects of content .account for some objects the shape of the structure and so on. .Ladder, platform, frames, etc., to the relationship between various aspects of this step some of the concrete structure has been established so basically, in addition to the main part of the middle was a big change, just the details of characterization, and in-depth as far as possible the process is always in the overall .synchronization on the basis of depth, try not to stare at a detail or a particular part of the painting in place too, because the screen has also been an adjustment phase. .(Figure 05) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 05 <wbr> Step by step on the local details of the components that make some settings, this is also the scene must be designed, and an expression of something renderings limited and .fixed angle, so will some of the major items for the local setting, in order to achieve better 3D. scene is part of a more systematic design style as much as possible when the object is uniform, at least in culture, architecture, etc. to coordinate the background. < .wbr> The other is to consider some of the shared nature of the object, for example, something similar can be generic as possible, including model mapping animation effects, etc., for example, if a scene is not the same thing almost every object, it will .a waste of resources. not realistic. <wbr> 1, pillars of the whole rock has been artificially built, there are hollowed out inside the building, divided into many layers, which are coiled up the ladder is set up between the various pillars, the whole building structure Fang .with round, rigid with a large arc while the details of the structure of dynamic and stable, building a number of partial Gothic style windows and doors, in general there are some magical feeling. (Fig. 06) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 06 <wbr .> 2, the ladder for the artificial construction, the side seemed to feel the doors and windows, the relief structure of the object pattern reflects some cultural style, walk on the Dragon Cave overlooking the abyss below chilling, I like the scene where the use of space to .bring spiritual impact, there are some places the road is broken. .From time to time to the whereabouts of a certain stone or even shake the ladder may have a number of agencies, need to avoid jumping, etc., hung on both sides of the road waving torches and banners to increase the long scene atmosphere. .(Figure 07) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 07 <wbr> 3, columns above the door, which should be the palace of the sensation, which can be some small points, such as you can put like a little boss. This is .set a scene on the rhythm of the game to consider, rich scenes and story, because the relationship between time and space when only a few simple key part of the set, as a complete game level set too many details, .But as a game can not do that much. (Fig. 08) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 08 Step Six slicing done this step is often used. .In-depth detail, the major division level out, point a few layers, one light and dark colors on the spatial relationships to facilitate the processing and shaping of foreground objects, one for the convenience of late changes to the background, without these layers .Modify it will be very troublesome. .(Figure 09) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 09 <wbr> seventh step and the next describe the main platform for the middle-depth changes, try to darken the whole cave, but the central part of the space will feel relatively empty .. (Fig. 10) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 10 <wbr> so do several of the main part of the draft setting, look for feel. .Painting to the back of this really is the most tangled, has been another change, mainly due to start thinking too little. .(Figure 11) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 11 <wbr> modify the main part of the middle set about building a gyro-style, like a lot of upside in the pagoda structure layer, next to some of the big chains and the next .columns connected. (Fig. 12) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 12 is the color of the eighth stage of the following steps. .Because it is not direct too much light and dark colors for drafting considerations, the following few regarded as tentative, the start is to express a deep and quiet atmosphere, so the main color with the cool colors, the third can be understood as night mode, appear to be more .Some mystery, the main light source has changed, but the feeling is not very satisfactory. .(Fig. 13,14,15) <wbr> <wbr> drawing process "TITLE =" [reprinted] Dragon Cave <wbr> drawing process "/> personally think that the painting is perhaps a result of methodological shortcomings, the original color and .object itself is one, should be the same performance. different colors will affect the whole atmosphere of the scene, but because of the conceptual design of a fantasy, not real, so for the convenience of expression, shape and color of light and dark often separated .performance, which is convenient to modify the shape, but also facilitate the use of different colors, perhaps this is a feature of digital painting it. <wbr> is difficult in the traditional painting in the use of such hyperbole, that is, at most, some local or subtle cover .dyeing techniques, not so simple to change the entire tone exaggerated atmosphere, in the end to achieve the perfect combination of color and scene, I usually set a good design is good picture content, the start color, and then do the final details of the overall adjustment and .in-depth, behind the painting is the same as the. <wbr> ninth step as the final warm colors, remove the extra layers of useless re-color, the top of the sky as the cool greenish color, from black and white to this step .appears to vary greatly in fact only a few superimposed layers only, this is one of the magic PS, of course, there are many brush strokes, texture, filters, etc., this is the most practical and most commonly used, a first overlay .gradient from green to orange as the background color of the coating, layer properties to Overlay, the point light source can then make a new layer to the stack. (Fig. 16) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 16 <wbr> Step Ten .This step change in the larger, first to enhance the brightness and spatial relations, make the scene appear to be more transparent, and then the Ministry of the environment are unified by the light added some cool overall cool light source into the top and bottom of strong warm color ., coordination in contrast, the bottom of the performance of soluble feel like following is a crater. .Then some of the details of the characterization, ladders, platforms, and so portray, images and content are set good. .So toward the end result <wbr> starting what kind of effect you want to express how to paint like, back to painting and to what extent the basic drawing skills to see. .Color changes of light and shadow, light and color between the natural color of the environment color, texture objects, the screen color sketch relations between primary and secondary actual situation, rhythm and so on. .Between these things is nothing more than use the first part of this work to design the main expression of the latter part of the main painting. .(Figure 17) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 17 <wbr> color relations continue to strengthen the tenth step, emphasizing the main part of the color contrast, with a number of complementary color relationships and the bottom of the powder produced green, light green side with a number of .and yellow for the transition, the overall characterization, identified a number of details, a small section near the left ladder removed, to the nearest pillar, making the space one more level. (Fig. 18) <wbr> draw .process "/> Figure 18 <wbr> twelfth step to add the details, mainly around the subject in the picture adds a spiral ladder and chains, account for the main contact with the surrounding scene and the entire line, but also makes a more level in the space .rich. .(Figure 19) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 19 <wbr> the main part of the thirteenth step of the final set, to build the castle on a pillar in the palace, because the floating feeling a little strange, not stable, .As a result some of the surrounding relatively more coordinated, at the top of the rock with three towers and platforms, one above the circle, the castle has an internal structure and multi-layer, four directions of the one exit, to stay here, the place is like a boss, that is, .end, from the outside from top to bottom last came here, the story will end here. originally wanted to set some of the more grand and spectacular, but the problem is not the time to achieve the desired effect. (Fig. 20) <wbr> draw .process "/> Step XIV of Figure 20 <wbr> modify the main part of the sky and light the scene by the Ministry, the overall added some purple, the color seems richer with content areas, not too thin surface, and in-depth as possible to adjust the picture .Always start from the overall, with a global vision to extract general choice. .(Figure 21) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 21 <wbr> fifteenth last step to add some details and some special effects such as sound, shed soluble, like the bottom of the ashes like a dragon flying around, the palace at the top law .array distributed bright light, these dynamic elements in the game if it should be realized with the special effects are very beautiful, the last of these is a point from the eye to the role, the whole scene suddenly lively atmosphere. (Fig. 22) <wbr> drawing process "/ .> Figure 22 <wbr> was because of the time on here, spare time for nearly a month after another has painted it, could not finish the painting is painted, the effect of the expression is almost on the line. .Last hair required to upload game three map it: effect drawing, modeling, graphs and step chart! .(Fig. 23,24,25) <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 23 <wbr> drawing process" /> Figure 24 <wbr> drawing process "/> Figure 25 <wbr> Summary: After all, the game map, but also provides .a model map, can express things that are limited, not enough to set terms, from the effects of this work in general but also in terms of satisfaction, but not the original painting to the back seems to express the effect, because there is no clear beginning .impression. some things clear accountability, if the map on this three points to take it, then make a game or 3D estimates there will collapse, or is done makes me after the crash. <wbr> game scene design .the scope of a more systematic, integrity is very important, not only to consider the unity of the scene content itself, but also consider the style of the game uniform, uniform background, or even to consider the effect of the engine and the realization of the program, and behind the 3D building .mode and images. <wbr> conceptual design, the first is the design, good ideas are the most important works, how to draw just that you can express the effect you want to design or enhance your art of this design .effect, the line for the newly recruited into the errors might, of course, I also have this problems. <wbr> because it is coming from traditional painting, so the total can not forget the pursuit of picture effects, design or drawing to clarify this point is very important, especially the use of .When at work, although the two together, and in the future may depend on getting closer, as technology advanced, the light is not necessarily a good idea not expression has also become a masterpiece, but the mind is always in terms of the .are two different concepts, we just use the painting to express design intent, this is what we are doing. <wbr>.

