
[Reserved] why not to the people of Tunisia troops opened fire on the spirit of standing _.

Original Address: Tunisia troops opened fire on why not to the people: Guangzhou Army Tunisia Chan Chi-kwong <wbr> <wbr> why not force the letter to the National Building http://blogsinacomcn/s/blog_48b0011f01017i3bhtml?tj=1 shot <wbr> .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> centralization of the game is over, the game has just begun the constitutional <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> for "city management" violent street protests triggered, resulting in Tunisia .President of the? Ali fled the country abandoned. .As if overnight, come the spring of freedom, less government restrictions on civil liberties in Tunisia, the public, watching on television the president to step down after publication, have celebrated in different ways. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> puzzling is the key when the 23-year monopoly of power in Tunisia of the President? Ali, the people's army go? .Did not shoot and do not send tanks to clear the scene, leaving the people to overthrow the president? .According to the French daily "Le Figaro" reported: Tunisia military in this incident has shown a neutral position, the worst may be it based? Ali government services, but it did not, until the last moment, it is loyal to the President ., but the protesters refused to open fire, and even tried to suppress the violent police suppression of demonstrations. .It is reported that the? Ali finally prompted the military to relinquish power, the army that its not necessary to engage the president or their own independent military coup. .Tunisia has been working with the armed forces keep their distance from politics, which is different from the Algerian army, Tunisia, the army is relatively clean, not to do business, which the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the police is completely different. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> "the Tunisian Constitution" (June 1, 1959, the Constituent Assembly adopted the first constitution of the Republic, in July 1988, through a constitutional amendment after amendment to this reference ."Tunisian Constitution"), the 44th President of the terms of the supreme commander of the armed forces. .Search the whole of the country but all over the Constitution, the Constitution did not grant the president that domestic use of military power, but in terms of section 48 of the second paragraph of the proposal in Congress has the power under the Foreign use of the military, which is able to use the armed forces of other countries .war. .This License can only be used internally that the President of Tunisia and the Ministry of Interior police officers, not troops. .In other words, internal affairs, the Tunisian army is relatively out of the president's control, that is, Tunisia, the authority of the army under the constraints of the Constitution does not follow the instructions to participate in the internal affairs of the President, by nature, not to support another .opposition parties to overthrow the ruling party was in power. .Remain neutral, reflecting the state of the Tunisian armed forces have been achieved, reflecting the effectiveness of long-standing Tunisian Constitution. .The military to the president is illegal to shoot people, this idea has become deeply into the heart of military personnel can not be shaken, so the military people did not dare to shoot demonstrators. .From Tunisia June 1, 1959 the Constituent Assembly adopted the first constitution since the Republic of Tunisia lies in the internal affairs of a smooth large extent independent of the armed forces, internal has never been a bloody crackdown. .This is similar to Taiwan with the peaceful transition, because the military is not a KMT, Taiwan's ruling parties will not turn violent large-scale bloodshed. .Therefore, the French "Le Figaro" reported is in line with the Tunisian Constitution, also in line with the actual situation. .According to the campaign of Tunisia witnessed Chinese narrative, about 60 to 80 people on December 17 killed in street protests began, but the police opened fire on people rather than the army, the people are mainly targeted against the police .Bureau and the Ministry of Interior. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> forces within the country to remain neutral in the political conflict is unfortunate authoritarian rulers, but it is the lucky people, it is the gospel of the nation. .Imagine if the country suddenly ordered the army opened fire on what would happen to the people, you can be sure that the first troops killed thousands of innocent people slaughtered under the mighty civilization, then, this? Ali's ruling temporarily stable .But the rancor with which the people deeper and more difficult to resolve, even worse, is a constitutional authority of the military's guns to be smashed. .Then the situation will become out of control, not tyranny and revolution (heavenly for the card) series of staged, it may be military intervention (Thailand, Malaysia for the card) to form the situation, we can see how serious the consequences of the armed forces opened fire .. .This shows that the military is to achieve the constitutional state of one of the prerequisites is to measure whether a country is truly one of the hallmarks of democratic. .I once said that "soldiers are ominous, Non gentleman device, used a last resort, to the tranquil." In internal affairs, the military needs to "tranquil", the army's aim is to safeguard national security and follow the Council's disposal, the absolute .services can not be reduced to a political party tools. .National military service is based on the law of the land as a civic duty and compulsory, is not a party claims based on the desire and belief, if the name of the state is party to join conscription army, this is the public seeking personal gain, illegal possession. .IDF troops should be rather than the nature of the SS. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> this? Ali on the run before, had ordered the security forces in addition to the necessary requirements of self-defense should not be used outside shooting from a side .reflect the supremacy of the Constitution even in the heart of Tunisia's authoritarian who has left a deep imprint. .According to the Government's official website said that the? Ali was in power during the legislative body of a hospital system to a bicameral system, and to expand the constitutional competence of the Committee to oversee the president (ie, himself) and legislative elections; he allowed multi-party system, please .They participate in political discussion and political competition, the Government and even the normal activities of the opposition financing; he supported the right of workers to freely organize trade unions, workers right to strike is not prohibited; he announced the abolition of a number of controls on the press and publications law, abolished " .crime of defamation of public authority ", the Tunisian public via the Internet, satellite television and foreign press access to external information, the domestic press are mostly privately owned, in addition to a number of private television stations; The president also established in 1993," the Presidential Human Rights Award ."to motivate the human rights cause. .Rights in a public awareness and the growing conditions of political freedom, this? Ali did not realize it is precisely his presence and power of the first family is too large, not only beyond the framework of the Constitution of the people caused great injustice, for .own all these actions are also a great irony and insult. .From the constitutional point of view, came to power in the 1987? Ali, the longer stay in power, the more so according to law and orderly look Tunisia torque look ugly democratic institutions, the result can only be depleted of its own legitimacy, is .Please step down or thrown out the public. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr> <wbr> this? Ali was forced to order let bullets fly, the President of the Tunisian people have chosen to fly. .Where there is oppression there is resistance, which is the everlasting truth of human existence, because the army does not fall, and the political parties of not being privatized, Tunisia, the successful completion of street protests in the country's constitutional framework of the final step, the next .Tunisian nationals need only be reasonable in the constitutional framework of the deliberations to elect a new president or by the terms of further restrictions on presidential power to complete the streets in protest to the parliament to discuss the perfect transition, how much do not need to pay the social costs of beating .Tunisia will be able to usher in a more healthy and orderly democracy. .<wbr> <wbr> <wbr>.

